Helping investors pin down Amazon position – and potential.
Looking to acquire an Amazon business? We partner with investors, VCs and Private Equity firms to help you peel back the layers and verify claimed figures. After, you’ll gain a complete, holistic understanding of your target brand’s current Amazon position – and its potential for future growth.
We combine first and third-party data to verify claimed sales levels, and identify any unusual patterns or sales data manipulation.
Understanding the real profitability of your targeted Amazon brand is critical to the success of your investment. Our team can provide highly detailed Amazon P&Ls for any Amazon account, uncovering all Amazon costs and revenues so you can grasp exactly what you’re buying into.
Seller and Account Health
Is the Amazon asset you’re buying in good shape? We review your target brand’s account for current and historic account issues, as well as looking for any risk of suspension or buy box loss from Amazon, to ensure your acquisition can continue to produce value for you.
Strategy and Listings Audit
Is the right strategy in place to allow you to grow the business post-acquisition? And what are the opportunities and risks for your target Amazon brand? Our detailed strategy and listings audits dive deep into the potential behind the brand so you can grasp the possibilities and pitfalls in full.
Review Audit and Verification
Great, genuine reviews are a valuable asset for any Amazon brand – but fake reviews are bad news. Our experts will analyse 11 different data points to identify any manipulation or fakery, and highlight any inherent risk in your target acquisition.
Future Potential Analysis
Aka understanding the size of the prize! Future potential is key to any investment, so we apply a comprehensive analysis process to your target brand that looks at historical data, category performance and market insights, and uses the results to help you create accurate forecasts.