As the largest e-commerce market in the world, Amazon understands the value and importance of split testing. While sellers may never be able to fully understand the minds of shoppers, split testing offers the next best thing with concrete data on how consumers think. Amazon has created split testing mechanics with Manage Your Experiments.
As a trusted Amazon agency, Manage Your Experiments, or MYE, is something that we constantly run for our clients to ensure that they understand what works best for their customers.
In this blog post, we’ve compiled a guide on Manage Your Experiments on Amazon and how it can be utilised by sellers on the site.
What is Amazon’s Manage Your Experiments?
Brands can now use Manage Your Experiments on Amazon to experiment with product images, product titles and A+ Content to improve sales by testing two versions of the same listing to identify the most impactful page content.
Manage Your Experiments lets you run A/B tests (also known as split tests) on your brand’s listings content. Experiments let you compare two versions of content against each other so you can see which performs better. At the end of an experiment, you can review which version performed the best and then publish the winning content. By running experiments, you can learn how to build better content that appeals to your customers and helps to drive more sales.
How does Amazon Manage Your Experiments work?
Manage Your Experiments split tests work just like any other. At random, half of the visitors receive version A of an image, product title, or A+ Content, while the other half receives version B. Both variations are populated as normal on product pages, search results pages, etc., and supplant previous content, for better or worse.
Amazon recommends that sellers run an experiment for 10 weeks to get enough data. From there, a seller can see which version performs better.
Amazon MYE displays metrics for sales, conversion rates, units sold per unique visitor, and sample size. The data also shows a projected one-year impact, which forecasts sales and units sold if that version were used for a year.
Who can use Amazon Manage Your Experiments?
To be able to utilise MYE for your brand and products there are two eligibility options available:
Brand Eligibility: To run experiments, you must own a brand. That means that you are internal to the brand and responsible for selling the brand in the Amazon store.
ASIN Eligibility: An ASIN is eligible if it belongs to your brand and has received enough traffic in recent weeks to be eligible for experimentation. Amazon only lets you experiment with high-traffic ASINs to increase the likelihood that you can confidently determine a winner at the end of the experiment.
As an Amazon seller agency, we will be able to support you in becoming eligible to qualify for MYE.
How do I get started with Amazon Manage Your Experiments?
Starting an experiment with Amazon MYE is simple. Your first step is going to the Manage Your Experiments screen from your Seller Central dashboard.
When you’re ready, click the ‘Create a New Experiment’ dropdown and select the type of experiment you want to run. Then, choose your Reference ASIN, the product you want to test. You’ll see which products are eligible and which are not.
After that, fill in the details of the experiment, including duration and start date, and provide the content for each variation. When you’re finished, submit the content for review.
Once Amazon validates it, the experiment will begin on the date you selected.
As an Amazon expert, we can support our clients through the MYE process and report on the results and provide them with the best outcome.
What are the pros and cons of Amazon Manage Your Experiments?
For all its benefits, Amazon MYE still has drawbacks to consider. Look at all the advantages and disadvantages before deciding on whether you would like to run an experiment.
The biggest advantage of Manage Your Experiments is that it exists within the Amazon environment.
Other split tests are more like a simulation, whereas MYE is a live run. It works with real shoppers in real time in a real environment. This tends to produce more accurate data to manage your content on Amazon.
While there aren’t any huge cons to running testing, there are things to be aware of. Because the testing is a live run, it means you can’t feature your established content. Half of your users will receive the different content. Testing may sometimes lead to a loss or reduction in sales with 50% of customers will see the current version of the listing, and the other 50% seeing a significantly better one and it could be a huge win.
Once you have launched an experiment, you will begin to see data on each variation and how well they’re performing. We would suggest running a test for at least 10 weeks, to give you solid results.
Once your experiment ends, Amazon gives you:
- Recommendations on which content variation is more effective
- How confident you should be in the recommendation
- The confidence interval of likely outcomes from that content
- The estimated 12-month impact on sales
Testing is important to understand which title, images best resonate with customers and what changes lead to a higher conversion rate. Testing plays a vital role in identifying the most optimal version of the listing and ensuring customers receive the best content possible. We can support with A/B testing and ensuring the most optimal version of the listing is shown to customers.
These performance insights can help you choose the most effective content for your product detail pages which, in turn, can boost sales and conversions for your Amazon products.
To find out how Venture Forge can help your business with Manage Your Experiments on Amazon contact us at [email protected], through our website, or call us on 01422728435.